To Reel or not...reelly.
I love Instagram, and have from the beginning - so visual and seemingly easy to use. So much fun!

I can post pictures of my loves, my work, my friends and family.
I can find new friends, fabulous makers, and do some shopping...while selling from my store as well.
I can post wonderful photos of my new spring / summer 2022 collection...
I can post sunsets in my stories and support local events as well...
And I can do ALL of that, in a few minutes, right? Find a photo, a laugh, a meme - put on some filters, add some stickers and a link, and yakity schmakity, it's done.
I also love getting comments from my peeps - my wonderful customers, my crazy friends and my loooong-suffering family..
And let's face it - it's GREAT for the business to have followers, and people who will repost my words and pictures and posts so that I get some NEW customers and keep this business afloat.
sighhhh.... I can also make reels.
REELS are IMPORtant! you HAVE to MAKE REELS! they say. REELS drive sales and inCreASe YOur BUSIness!! they say. the not-so-faceless and nameless they...the milennigenXerZeez. The influencers, and promoters and mentors.
The unceasingly, increasingly clever, smart and quick cool kids.
I reeellly wish I could be like them (see what I did there..), I really do.
But for me to make a reel like this or this - it can take me half a day or more.
And I have to ask myself - is it reeeellly important? To Reel or Not To Reel is the question...
of course, as I say 30 likes a lot? not really...but if all of you reading this walked through my door to watch what i do every day, it would be overwhelming!
and a little creepy.
Just wave this 20% discount code at me before I call for backup and we're all good, though!
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